Zos Ntuj Hmoov Ntuj Community Land Trust has four membership categories:
- Zos Ntuj Hmoov Ntuj and Kev Ntseeg Leej Niam Members are members of Kev Ntseeg Leej Niam
who lease land or housing from Zos Ntuj Hmoov Ntuj or who lease or own housing that is
located on the land leased by another entity from Zos Ntuj Hmoov Ntuj.
- Zos Ntuj Hmoov Ntuj Members are members who lease land or housing from Zos Ntuj Hmoov
Ntuj or who lease or own housing that is located on the land leased by another entity from Zos
Ntuj Hmoov Ntuj but may not be members of Kev Ntseeg Leej Niam.
- Kev Ntseeg Leej Niam Members are members who do not lease land or housing from Zos Ntuj
Hmoov Ntuj or do not lease or own housing that is located on the land leased by another entity
from Zos Ntuj Hmoov Ntuj but are members of Kev Ntseeg Leej Niam.
- General Members are members who are not members of Kev Ntseeg Leej Niam and do not live
in Zos Ntuj Hmoov Ntuj but want to support the purposes of Zos Ntuj Hmoov Ntuj and have
completed and agreed to (1) submission of a General Membership Application, including a
signed statement of support for the purposes of Zos Ntuj Hmoov Ntuj CLT and (2) payment of
dues as established by the Board of Directors for the current calendar year.