
Note: Yog koj kawm qhov nov no ces, mus sau koj lub npe rau hauv lub comment box. (Nyob hauv qab nplooj nov.)

Note: Attendance. If you study this page, type your name in the comment box. (down below on the bottom of this page.)

Xyaum 1 ntiag si

33 - Rhawv
33 - Rhawv
34 - Phau
34 - Phau
35 - Dhos
35 - Dhos
36 - Nco
36 - Nco
37 - Npaj
37 - Npaj
38 - Chaw
38 - Chaw
39 - Feeb
39 - Feeb
40 - Nthuav
40 - Nthuav


Xya lub quas khij ciam hauv nov yog peb los mus xyaum ib kab ntawv zuj zus xwb. (4 second pauv ib tug qauv)


Nkauj-Plhis Nrhiav-Nqhis Rhawv-Nthuav Zeej-Hmoov Hnub-Txhu Nplaim-Ntxhee Keeb-Pa